4 Important Benefits Of Peer-to-peer Healthcare And How It Impacts Health Outcomes; Five WHYs Early-stage Healthcare Entrepreneurs, Founders, & Innovators Must Ask Before They Start; And Much More...
Care City Weekly July Edition comes packed featuring most of the articles we published so far and a compilation of some articles, reports, stories and research we loved reading.
Hello there to all our wonderful readers!
How are you doing today?
I hope you're keeping it tight and real amidst the many challenges surrounding us, from economic distress, inflation and disease outbreaks to an assassination attempt on Donald Trump (no one saw that coming).
Nevertheless, we're excited to write to you again, tell you about some of our work, and share some good news and stories from the world of healthcare innovation, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
In this edition, we've featured more articles from Care City and added a "what we're reading section," which includes some of the stories, research, articles and reports we have enjoyed reading lately.
Our website has ongoing maintenance, so we haven't published any fresh articles, posts or stories lately.
It takes a lot of work to keep websites running smoothly.
Websites are like virtual offices that need a lot of attention and have plenty of small working parts.
We should be up and running in a few days. We can't wait to resume publishing and sharing stories, posts, reports, research, and more with you!
I am happy with the progress we're making at Care City, particularly with our writers and the work they're doing.
Enjoy your read.
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From Care City
Our Favourite Social Media Content
World Brain Day
In celebrating World Brain Day, we compiled some interesting facts about the human brain.
"Did You Know that your brain can store up to 100 terabytes of information, equivalent to the storage capacity of about 20 million hours of music!?
-The brain has a special way of reorganising itself in response to new experiences and learning; this is called neuroplasticity.
- Your brain uses about 20% of your body's energy despite making up only 2% of its mass!"
Five WHYs Early-stage Healthcare Entrepreneurs, Founders, & Innovators Must Ask Before They Start
"Healthcare entrepreneurs must deeply understand their why if they want to make a lasting impact in the healthcare ecosystem. They must be ready to give their all, and their priority must be centred around how to serve their clients, users, customers or consumers."
4 Important Benefits Of Peer-to-peer Healthcare And How It Impacts Health Outcomes
"Peer-to-peer (P2P) healthcare is an approach in the healthcare ecosystem that puts patients and caregivers at the centre of the healthcare experience. Unlike traditional healthcare, where doctors and other healthcare professionals are the primary sources of information and support, P2P healthcare uses a community-like approach. It involves patients and caregivers connecting, sharing experiences, and supporting each other, often through digital platforms."
Top 10 Dangerous Drugs Abused By Nigerian Youths, Number 1 Is A Real Menace
"Drug or substance use disorder is defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Edition as a pattern of symptoms resulting from drug use, notwithstanding the apparent dangers connected with drug use. It can be surprising to learn that the majority of abused drugs are actually intended for therapeutic use when taken according to the prescribed regimen. In this article, you will learn about the top 10 common dangerous drugs abused by Nigerian youths."
Women Leaders In Africa Healthcare: Driving Change And Inspiring The Next Generation
"Women leaders in Africa's healthcare ecosystem are making significant contributions that are reshaping the continent's healthcare landscape. For instance, Prof Agnes Binagwaho, a former minister of health in Rwanda post-genocide, led the country to significantly improve healthcare access and quality, with life expectancy nearly doubling between 1944 and 2014. "Health equity is not a dream; it's a necessity," Dr. Binagwaho stated in a 2015 interview, highlighting her commitment to accessible healthcare for all."
How Passionate Are You About The Life You're Living?
"When you're genuinely passionate and excited about something, you'll make plenty of sacrifices for it, put in the work, and have the drive to make it work by any necessary means. Passion and excitement for something mean you love what you're doing, and love is the greatest fuel for success."
Why More Nigerian Youths Are Having Kidney Failure?
"Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are damaged or injured over a long period, reducing their ability to effectively filter waste from the blood. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive condition that decreases kidney function over time. In the early stages of CKD, there are often no noticeable symptoms, making it easy for the condition to go undetected until it becomes severe."
More From Care City
From Carecode Digital Health Hub
Impact Of Electronic Health Records On Patient Care
"Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are comprehensive, patient-focused digital repositories that offer authorised users real-time access to secure medical information."
What We're Reading
Not Just Token Tokens
"I don't know what a Web3 for healthcare would be, but I have some ideas. Of course, the idea that we own and control our health records, storing them on blockchain and giving permission for them to be viewed/added to, should be tempting to anyone who has had to fight or access to their own records. That'd be a necessary but not sufficient component of a healthcare Web3. Imagine, if you will, a future where anytime you interact with the healthcare system, that interaction is not only stored in a blockchain record that you control, but also earn tokens for that interaction. Imagine all the data from your fitness or other trackers also going into that blockchain record and earning more tokens. Image all those tokens giving you voting rights in the governance of that healthcare system."
GLP-1 Medicine Mounjaro May Be First Drug to Ease Sleep Apnea
"A medication used to manage type 2 diabetes has been found effective in treating sleep apnea. The worldwide clinical trial demonstrates that tirzepatide significantly lowers breathing interruptions during sleep, a key indicator of the severity of a patient's obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Tirzepatide is one of the class of blockbuster GLP-1 medicines, sold as Mounjaro to fight diabetes and as Zepbound to help with weight loss."
Colombian Family's Genes Could Hold Key to Delaying Alzheimer's
"A Colombian family's genetics are shining a spotlight on a gene that might help protect people from the ravages of Alzheimer's disease.
About 1,200 out of 6,000 family members carry a genetic variant called the "Paisa mutation," which dooms them to early Alzheimer's, researchers said. But 28 family members with the Paisa mutation dodged early Alzheimer's, apparently because they carry another gene that protects against the degenerative brain disease, researchers reported June 20 in the New England Journal of Medicine.”
Too Much Sitting Could Be Harming Kids' Livers
"Kids who spend more than six hours a day on their duffs have a greater risk of severe fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis by the time they're young adults, a new study claims. Children have 15% higher odds of fatty liver disease by age 25 for each additional half-hour of sedentary behaviour above 6 hours daily, researchers found. However, researchers also found a protective effect from light physical activity. The odds of severe fatty liver disease declined by 33% for each additional half-hour of light-intensity activity beyond three hours a day, researchers found."
How To Encourage Safe Sex Practices Among Boomers
"Steckenrider recently conducted a survey of people older than 60 regarding their sexual attitudes and behaviours. One of the questions was how often they worried about contracting an STI.”
And that's a wrap!
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Catch you soon! Stay tight and watered up!